Personal Asthma Action Plan using SMART/MART proposed in JACI - In practice

01 Jan 2022


 Includes downloadable example of a personal asthma action plan using SMART or MART - see side bar to download.

The use of a single inhaler containing the combination of an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) and formoterol, a specific long-acting bronchodilator, for both maintenance and quick relief therapy (single maintenance and reliever therapy [SMART or MART]) is recommended by both the Global Initiative for Asthma and the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Coordinating Committee in steps 3 and 4 of asthma management. This article provides practical advice about implementing SMART in clinical practice based on evidence and clinical experience. Fundamental to SMART is that ICS-formoterol provides quick relief of asthma symptoms similar to that of short-acting β-agonists such as albuterol, while reducing the risk for severe asthma exacerbations and at an overall lower ICS exposure. Most SMART clinical trials were in adults and adolescents (aged ≥12 years), using budesonide-formoterol 160/4.5 μg (delivered dose), one inhalation once or twice daily (step 3) and two inhalations twice daily (step 4). For both steps 3 and 4, patients take additional inhalations of budesonide-formoterol 160/4.5 μg, one inhalation whenever needed for symptom relief, up to a maximum for adults and adolescents of 12 total inhalations in any single day (delivering 54 μg formoterol). The efficacy and safety of SMART with budesonide-formoterol and beclometasone-formoterol have been confirmed, but other ICS-long-acting bronchodilator combinations have not been studied. The SMART regimen should be introduced with a careful explanation of its role in self-management, preferably with a customized written asthma action plan. The cost to patients and the availability of SMART treatment will depend on the prescribed dose and national or local payer agreements.


Personal Asthma Action Plan modified from Australian action plan with permission from National Asthma Council Australia and AstraZeneca Australia

Resource information

Respiratory conditions
  • Asthma
Respiratory topics
  • Action Plan
  • Disease management
Type of resource
Peer-reviewed article
  • Asthma Right Care
Reddel HK, Bateman ED, Schatz M, Krishnan JA, Cloutier MM
Right Care
  • Asthma
Strategic Objective
  • Management
  • Review
  • Clinical Education
  • Patient Education

Right Care information