Strategies, policies and position papers

About our strategies, policy and position papers

The IPCRG undertakes wide consultation with its network of primary care clinicians, researchers and educators to develop the strategies and policies that guide our work. The IPCRG also produces position papers, which summarise research findings and make recommendations for policy makers. 

IPCRG Strategies


IPCRG's research strategy highlights five linked activities to support the development and impact of research carried out by and in primary care clinicians, patients, early and late career researchers.

Research needs statement

The IPCRG Research Needs Statement 2010 identified the main questions facing both clinicians and patients in community situations in asthma, allergic rhinitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tobacco dependence and lower respiratory tract infection.

The IPCRG’s Research Needs Statement identified 145 research questions within five domains (asthma, rhinitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), smoking, respiratory infections). These were subsequently prioritised using an international e-Delphi process. 

This prioritisation was repeated as an e-Delphi exercise in 2020.    The paper has been submitted for peer review and will be shared once a decision to accept has been made.

Education strategy

The IPCRG Education Strategy 2014-2020 supports learning and builds capacity in primary respiratory care.

Global scoping exercise: what education works

In 2012, the IPCRG published the results of a scoping exercise and literature review that was commissioned to inform its E-Quality programme.

Position Papers

The IPCRG also produces position papers, which summarise research findings and make recommendations for policy makers. These are accompanied by Desktop Helpers that provide practical advice for clinicians.   Position Papers cover:

Other IPCRG policies

  • Sponsorship policy: The IPCRG’s policy for in-kind or financial support for IPCRG activity separate from the membership subscription fee or unrestricted donations.
  • Endorsement policy: The IPCRG’s policy for endorsing goods, services, events, guidelines or other products.
  • Refugee statements: The refugee crisis and the role of the International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG).