IPCRG 8th Scientific meeting

11th - 12th April 2025
Brasov, Romania

IPCRG is delighted to announce that our 8th IPCRG Scientific Meeting will take place in BraČ™ov, Romania, on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th April 2025 in conjunction with RespiRO team, our Romanian Group co-led by Catalina Panaitescu and Cristina Isar. This follows our successful Scientific meeting in Munich in 2023, and of course our World Conference in Athens 2024. We hope again to see many researchers, especially those early in their careers, at this meeting.

Details, including dates for abstract submissions and registration, will be published shortly. We are also planning another in our series of Research Schools, and the topics will be decided following a survey on the subjects our members wish to see.

Thursday 10th April is set aside for the Research School and the annual meeting of FRESHAIR4Life. Other side meetings are likely to happen before or after so please put all three dates in your diary and check with IPCRG before booking travel.

The 8th IPCRG Scientific Meeting will take place at and in conjunction with the Transilvania University of Brasov, represented by Andrea Neculau, and we are grateful for the support offered both by RespiRO and Brasov Transilvania University, for co-ordinating this meeting.

Upcoming Conference