What information is helpful to develop a proper tailored asthma self-management action plan?

01 Apr 2024
Background: Self-management plans have been considered as evidence based interventions to improve health outcomes in patients with asthma. However, many studies show us that they are not currently being used as much as desirable. Many factors could be associated to this fact One proposed solution is to develop tailored self-management plans, considering different patients’ characteristics and educational level in order to increase patients confidence and practical use of the action plans. There are still many gaps about the important information to be included in the self-management plans as well as the specific control tools to use, including newest digital platforms and remote care applications We will try to explore the main conditions to help asthma self-management plans tailored design and the best tools and interventions to be included in those plans for different groups of patients Methods: Multidimensional qualitative research will be performed including: focus groups for different actors and on-line interviews to patients, primary care doctors, neumologists, alergologists, nurses and pharmacists will be performed. A topic guide for in-depth qualitative research will be developed to help interviewers with the main points to explore. Data will be extracted and content analysis will be performed coding by key themes till saturation. Themes will be identified and discussed by conceptual mapping and relationships established. Questions to be discussed: How should we make the selection of participants to get the wider scenario for qualitative results? Which are the main tools to explore among participants (peak-flow measurement, control questionnaires...)?  

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Respiratory conditions
  • Other
Respiratory topics
  • Disease management
  • Education
Type of resource
Athens 2024
Miguel Roman Rodriguez1,2, Alberto Montes2, Laura Lopez2, Raquel Puigserver2, Marina Garcia2 1 1B-Salut. Balearic Health Service, Palma, Spain, 2IB-Salut. Balearic Health Service, Palma, Spain