Asthma Right Care movement: Initiatives to improve Asthma Care in Brazil

01 Apr 2024
Introduction: Asthma Right Care (ARC) is a project initiated in several countries, including Brazil, and led by the International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG). The main objective is to promote dialogue between professionals and between them and patients and carers, thereby creating a social movement. Here we present the actions carried out in Brazil. Methods: Interventions were implemented on three fronts: stakeholder engagement, education of PHC professionals, and dissemination of asthma to the general community. The training programme for PHC professionals on the appropriate management of asthma, which includes a face-to-face kick-off meeting, asynchronous distance learning theoretical content and synchronous online mentoring to discuss cases and propose local actions according to the main challenges identified by APS professionals to improve asthma care. Results: An event was held to present the movement and discuss the main barriers to adequate asthma care in Brazil. The training programme was carried out in the cities of ABC region-SP, Guarulhos, Itapetininga, Joinville, Uruguaiana, Alta Floresta do Oeste and João Pessoa, reaching 803 PHC professionals. A webinar on pharmaceutical support for asthma was held. Asthma awareness was raised through content on social media and through the first CamnhASMA in the city of João Pessoa, which was attended by around 120 people, including health professionals, managers and the community, and was an opportunity to present asthma as a disease that should be diagnosed and treated appropriately. Conclusion: PHC is the users' first contact with the health system, so it must be able to address the most common and relevant problems in the community. The ARC movement has programmes and tools to help improve asthma care that can be disseminated to different places by adapting to different local realities.

Resource information

Respiratory conditions
  • Asthma
Respiratory topics
  • Global Health
  • Disease management
Type of resource
  • Asthma Right Care
Athens 2024
Sonia Maria Martins1, Juliana Francechini Pereira2, Victor Hugo Martins Silva2, Danyela Casadei Donatelli2, Marilyn Urrutia Pereira3, Jaime Correia Souza4, Selma Denis Squassoni1 1Centro Universitario Faculdade De Medicina Do Abc (FMABC), Santo André, Brazil, 2GEPRAPS-CESCO, Santo André, Brazil, 3Universidade Federal Do Pampa, Uruguaiana, Brazil, 4Universidade Do Minho, Braga, Portugal