Can AI-based decision support software help to use spirometry more consistently in primary care?

15 May 2023
Introduction: Spirometry is a lung function test for diagnosis and monitoring of lung diseases. While the usage of spirometry in Belgian primary care settings is advised according to guidelines, guidelines are not always consistently followed. We wanted to investigate the added value of AI-based software (ArtiQ.Spiro) for the quality assessment and interpretation of spirometry curves. Additionally, we focused on a population at risk of COPD without formal diagnosis, and study how ArtiQ.Spiro can support general practitioners (GPs) in the diagnosis of COPD. Method: Structured interviews were conducted in 18 Belgian GP practices at baseline and at the end of the study. GPs were asked to primarily include patients for doing spirometry according to following criteria: patients older than 35 years old, with a smoking history ≥ 10 pack-years and at least one respiratory complaint revealed in the anamnesis. ArtiQ.Spiro automatically assesses quality and acceptance of the curves and suggests a diagnosis. After every use, the added value of the software was rated on a Likert scale (1-5). Results: Spirometry is currently not used according to the latest guidelines, mainly because of lack of good training and time pressure. 28.5% of patients at risk of COPD were flagged by Artiq.Spiro as having COPD. ArtiQ.Spiro was useful for both quality assessment (4.13/5) and diagnostic support (4.01/5). Discussion: Spirometry in a primary care setting has an important place to reduce underdiagnosis of COPD patients. An AI-powered decision support software may dramatically increase the consistent use of spirometry, and enforce usage according to existing guidelines.

Resource information

Respiratory conditions
  • COPD
Respiratory topics
  • Spirometry
  • Technology
Type of resource
Munich 2023
Maarten De Vos1, Karolien Van Orshoven1, Ms Julie Maes1, Paul Desbordes1, Ms Camille Vanhecke1, Vincent Vanheule2, Charlotte Quataert2, Isabelle Fovel2, Marko Topalovic1 1ArtiQ NV, Leuven, Belgium, 2Astrazeneca, Dilbeek, Belgium