Scientific Meeting Abstract Guidelines

Who can submit an abstract

Anyone can submit an abstract relevant to the global primary care respiratory community. We welcome submissions from all members of the multi-professional team, including patients & patient representatives. Topics should be related to the prevention, diagnosis, management & palliation of communicable & non-communicable respiratory diseases & tobacco dependency in primary & community settings.

Abstract Categories

Clinical Research Results Abstract

A summary of the findings of exploratory, effectiveness or implementation research that addresses a clinical question, uses a research method, and has data. Please use the below IMRaD format (meta-analyses may require a different format):

  1. Introduction
  2. Method
  3. Results
  4. Discussion

See Appendix 1 for detailed guidance and information

Research Ideas Abstract

A proposal for research that has been carefully planned but is yet to be conducted. Please follow the format:

  1. Research question
  2. Background
  3. Possible methodology: (e.g., research methods, design, population, recruitment, funding)
  4. Questions to discuss

See Appendix 2 for detailed guidance and information

Service Development & Evaluation Abstract

A summary of an intervention to create, improve or evaluate a service or interventions that benefit respiratory health, including educational interventions and quality improvement programmes. This can include surveys. Please follow the format:

  1. Aim
  2. Brief outline of context: assessment of existing situation and analysis of its causes: How did you quantify the problem – if there was one? Did you involve others at this stage? How did you assess the causes of the situation?
  3. Brief description of the change/intervention and why you thought it would work
  4. Strategy for change: who, how, following what timetable
  5. Impact of changes
  6. Lessons learned
  7. Messages for others

See Appendix 3 for detailed guidance and information

Guide to Abstract Submission

Word Count & Format:

There is a maximum of 300 words allowed for the body of the abstract. Figures and tables: You may include one image or table to illustrate the work further. Please ensure that you have permission to use any images that you display in your abstract submission; otherwise you may be liable for copyright infringement and associated charges.

Images can be in any format and up to 5 MB in size. Any patient-identifiable images must have the patient’s written permission for display.

Note on adding tables and images: Tables and Diagrams can be uploaded and added as a supporting files and not to the abstract's body text. Tables or Diagrams should be uploaded as .jpg or .png files and clearly labelled e.g. 1) Tables: Table 1 – Table title 2) Diagrams: Figure 1 - Figure Title.

Abstracts should be well written: A correct sentence structure and grammar must be used and please check your spelling. Abstracts must be written in plain English. If this is your second language, please have your abstract proofread by an experienced writer.

All abstracts with author permission will also be added to IPCRG online resources.

IPCRG 12th World Conference, 9-11 May 2024, Athens, Greece:  click here to submit an abstract and find the abstract submission guidelines.