Primary Care Spirometry – Increasing capacity for better diagnosis and care

25 May 2021

You have been telling us that pulmonary function tests that include spirometry are not universally available for people with respiratory symptoms accessing primary health care. In order to understand what family practice and primary care colleagues around the world need in terms of education and certification to carry out and interpret spirometry we are surveying our global colleagues.

In some of our member countries any primary care setting can perform and interpret spirometry, yet in others primary care physicians are not permitted or reimbursed for this vital test for achieving earlier and correct diagnosis of respiratory symptoms.

Please complete and share these surveys with your networks

There are two surveys for primary care colleagues depending on their role:

1. Family Medicine and GP Colleagues Survey

This is a fast survey that will take between 2 and 4 minutes. Please take the survey or share the link with your family medicine colleagues and networks. This is intended for colleagues who do not have a particular interest in respiratory.


2. Primary Care with a Respiratory Interest Survey

This survey will take between 4 and 6 minutes. Please take the survey or share the link with your respiratory interested primary care colleagues and networks.

Thank you

Your answers will help IPCRG to develop a programme to fit the spirometry and pulmonary function test needs of global primary care.

Data and Privacy

Both of these surveys are anonymous. All of the information that you provide will be treated as confidential and will only be used for research purposes. Your comments will not be identified as belonging to you, instead they will be combined with those gathered from other survey participants, and will be analysed as part of a group. If you choose to provide your contact details we will use them only for the purposes as described in the IPCRG Privacy Policy