FRESHAIR4Life update: Pakistan

22 Jan 2024

A new destination and a unique culture awaited the FRESHAIR4Life research project in Pakistan. A group of six researchers set out to conduct a situational analysis, visiting three main sites, including two schools and a football club in Karachi. In this country, much like the other countries participating in FRESHAIR4Life, the prevalent risk factors of tobacco use and air pollution contribute significantly to the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.

Adolescents from various backgrounds were invited to take part in focus group discussions and Photovoice activities. This time, in addition to teachers and healthcare workers, sports coaches were involved as part of the provider group, recognising their unique position in the community where they are in contact with a diverse range of youth. Media organisations, (social) influencers, and public health managers were reached, and their perspectives taken into account.

The team managed to talk to more than 90 participants and gained a sneak peek into the rich and diverse culture of Pakistan. Besides religion, food also played an important role, which the local researchers proudly shared with their foreign guests.

On the last day of fieldwork, stakeholders were invited to visit the Photovoice exhibition, where the first results were enthusiastically presented by the adolescents who took part in the activity themselves. This proved to be an ideal opportunity to disseminate preliminary findings while also engaging and cultivating potential future collaborations.

The situational analysis in Pakistan has provided valuable information on feasible interventions and solutions, identified important stakeholders, and enhanced local research capacity. The team has built the case for action and is ready for the next phase: forming the FRESHAIR4Life prevention package.